Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Stonebridge Park Road by Night
Stonebridge ,north-west London is a melting pot
Lying the on the outskirts of London
Elderly Jamaican Women wearing hats
Chatting away vigorously on the train
After a night out on their way home
You meet people of all shapes and colour
When you visit this cosmoplitan surburb
People from Trinidad, Tobago,St.Kitts , Nexis,Grenada,Belize,Saint Lucia
Yes ,people from all corners of the globe and cultures
Living together in harmony
What are the causes of drug addiction?
Factors Creating Vulnerability- There are a large number of factors that contribute to vulnerability. The first ones are the biological factors, which help us address a key issue: Is it in my genes? If so, will I become a drug user no matter what I do? Figure 8-1. Overall vulnerability to drug use comes from several interacting factors. Let’s consider three factors in becoming a drug abuser.
First, there is the drug, which might or might not be addicting (hence the + or –), but for our discussion it is an addicting substance. Then there is the person who has a genetic basis that might or might not (hence the + and –) support drug taking. Lastly, there is the complexity of the environment, in which there might be drugs and various factors that might or might not support drug taking. Thus, the overall vulnerability can be high or low depending on each factor and how they add up or interact. On the right, the range of possible outcomes are listed. Treatment should address all of the factors.
Our Genes and Proteins After a person’s first exposure to a drug, his or her biological makeup plays a major role in determining whether he or she will become a drug abuser. Because a person’s biological makeup is determined by genes, there has been a focus of research on genes that are involved in drug abuse. Studies of genes have developed exponentially over the last couple of decades. Many of these studies rely on mutations that we carry and they can be identified by amazing, high-throughput technologies.
Tracking Genes Understanding genes, their mutations, and how they are used gives us an appreciation of how genetic studies are carried out in addiction and even in other diseases. Imagine your ancestors, many, many generations ago. You have many men and women in your ancestral tree and the further you go back in time, the more there are. Over time, mutations occur in various genes, and if they are not fatal, then they are passed on from generation to generation.
The genetic markers that are used in studies of heritability are often single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Genes consist of strings of molecular units called nucleotides. Nucleotides come in four varieties, which differ from each other only in the subunits known as bases. Each nucleotide is named after its base: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G). At many locations in the human genome, the nucleotide string that makes up a particular gene is identical in everyone. That is , if you start at one end of the gene and count off the nucleotides in order along one of the two DNA strands, the result is the same— for example, AAGGGATCCAC.
At certain places along the string, however , some people have one nucleotide and others have a different one—for example, AAGGAATCCAC, instead of the more common sequence . Such a variation is a SNP ( (Adapted from http:// en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ File:Dna-SNP.svg , accessed on November 23, 2010.)
A powerful study was carried out by Dr. George Uhl and his colleagues at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. They used an approach called genome-wide association studies ( see the next sidebar “ Genome-Wide Association Studies [GWAS] ), where the genes in drug users are compared to those in non-drug users or in low level users
After examining the genes in these populations, they found that 89 genes were associated with drug use. Uhl explained further that “unlike cystic fibrosis which is caused by a single (defective) gene, in addiction and a number of complex disorders, many different genes must act together with environmental factors to create the illness.
No single gene is likely to have a large effect by itself; it’s the combination of effects that produce... the problem.” 1 Many of these 89 genes were known to be associated with memory formation, receptors, and adherence of neurons to each other. It makes sense that those kinds of genes would be involved in drug dependence, which produces biochemical and functional changes in the brain.
Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) GWAS is a powerful way to identify genes that are associated with traits or diseases . It depends on having a test population that has the trait of interest (such as drug taking) and a control population that does not have the trait. Then, all the genes in all of the subjects are characterized and the occurrence of genetic markers in the populations are compared. The genetic markers that are used are SNPs (see previous sidebar, “Tracking Genes”). Studies can look at hundreds of thousands of SNPs that occur among our approximately 30,000 genes by relatively rapid, computerized teckniques
The variations (SNPs) might or might not make a difference in the way a gene functions. (For example, two similar model cars but with different color are like SNPs where there is no difference in function. But the same model cars with very different sized engines might function differently.) So, SNPs don’t have to be functionally powerful; but they are good markers for studying the heritability of specific genes.
Scientists can take advantage of the SNP variations to discover associations between genes and critical traits, such as vulnerability to drug addiction . For example, if a certain SNP occurs more often in drug abusers than in non-drug abusers, then the gene that contains the SNP is said to be associated with, and possibly partly causing, drug addiction. (Adapted from “New Techniques Link 89 genes to Drug Dependence,” NIDA Notes, Vol. 22, September 2008.) There have been interesting new discoveries about the genes related to smoking and the vulnerability for nicotine addiction. As noted, nicotine works in the brain by stimulating receptors for acetylcholine, which are referred to as nicotinic cholinergic receptors. Nicotinic receptors are made up of five separate proteins that bundle together to form a functioning receptor. These proteins, or subunits, have been identified and studied
This information tells us that the influence of our genes on drug taking varies from person to person, and that each person has a different level of biological vulnerability. Most people exposed to addicting drugs do not become addicts. Data shows that the likelihood of addiction is partly due to hereditary factors— our genes. But environmental factors (for example, the availability of drugs, high stress, emotional problems , and peer pressure to use drugs) are essential. Although genetics might account for as much as 20– 40 percent of our vulnerability
It isn’t correct to blame just our genetics for our level of drug use. Psychological Problems Drug use in individuals is often associated with a variety of emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other complicated problems referred to as antisocial personality disorders and conduct disorders. In one study, between 21 and 32 percent of nicotine-dependent subjects had an additional mental health diagnosis.
An individual may suffer from both drug use and a mental health disorder. Sometimes, withdrawal or cessation of drug use can precipitate problems such as anxiety; in this instance, treating the mental problem can make drug addiction treatment more successful. Related to this, it has been suggested that at least some drug addicts begin using drugs to self-medicate and treat problems such as anxiety. This means that if you use addicting drugs, you might have a mental health problem in addition to the use of drugs. If you do, then dealing with that will reduce your vulnerability to drug taking.
Mental problems can weaken our resolve to deal with other issues (such as drug use) in our lives . They can distract and exhaust us, and possibly lead to self-medicating, which might be problematic. Although treating our ills is, of course, important, a doctor’s involvement is often needed, particularly when abusable drugs are involved. Temperament and Personality Traits Many studies show a correlation between personal temperament and drug use. For example, impulsivity, physical activity level, having difficulty sitting still, and the tendency to become emotionally upset have been correlated with higher drug use. On the other hand, having a more positive mood and a desire to be around people have been negatively correlated with drug use. Often, personality traits in adolescence correlate with higher drug use as adults. This is clearly an important topic and an active area of research.
. Because abused drugs in the brain are chemical signals, they are similar to neurotransmitters. But they are different from neurotransmitters in important ways. Neurotransmitters and the brain have co -evolved over eons of time, and they coexist quite peacefully. Neurotransmitters are beautifully regulated by the brain. When their levels are low, they are synthesized. When made, they are safely stored in vesicles. When needed, they are released from specific neurons. After they are released and stimulate receptors, their action is terminated by breakdown, diffusion, or reuptake.
Morphine,for example, disrupts normal neurotransmission is morphine, which is an opioid or opiate drug. Morphine stimulates receptors in the brain for the neurotransmitters enkephalins and endorphins. Morphine does not do anything to the uptake , diffusion, or metabolism of a neurotransmitter . Rather, it stimulates receptors . Actually, most drugs work by doing something to receptors, either stimulating them or inhibiting them. When the drug user injects or takes morphine orally, it goes from the blood to the brain where it stimulates the receptors that are there for endorphins and enkephalin. However, the brain does not have a way to remove or stop the action of morphine like it does for enkephalin and endorphin (which is by diffusion and breakdown by peptidases). Morphine is metabolized in the body, but the process is slow compared to the time for a natural neurotransmission event, so the time course of neurotransmission is greatly distorted by the the use of the drug.
Kuhar, Michael (2011-10-31). The Addicted Brain: Why We Abuse Drugs, Alcohol, and Nicotine (FT Press Science) (Kindle Locations 804-810). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition. K
First, there is the drug, which might or might not be addicting (hence the + or –), but for our discussion it is an addicting substance. Then there is the person who has a genetic basis that might or might not (hence the + and –) support drug taking. Lastly, there is the complexity of the environment, in which there might be drugs and various factors that might or might not support drug taking. Thus, the overall vulnerability can be high or low depending on each factor and how they add up or interact. On the right, the range of possible outcomes are listed. Treatment should address all of the factors.
Our Genes and Proteins After a person’s first exposure to a drug, his or her biological makeup plays a major role in determining whether he or she will become a drug abuser. Because a person’s biological makeup is determined by genes, there has been a focus of research on genes that are involved in drug abuse. Studies of genes have developed exponentially over the last couple of decades. Many of these studies rely on mutations that we carry and they can be identified by amazing, high-throughput technologies.
Tracking Genes Understanding genes, their mutations, and how they are used gives us an appreciation of how genetic studies are carried out in addiction and even in other diseases. Imagine your ancestors, many, many generations ago. You have many men and women in your ancestral tree and the further you go back in time, the more there are. Over time, mutations occur in various genes, and if they are not fatal, then they are passed on from generation to generation.
The genetic markers that are used in studies of heritability are often single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Genes consist of strings of molecular units called nucleotides. Nucleotides come in four varieties, which differ from each other only in the subunits known as bases. Each nucleotide is named after its base: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G). At many locations in the human genome, the nucleotide string that makes up a particular gene is identical in everyone. That is , if you start at one end of the gene and count off the nucleotides in order along one of the two DNA strands, the result is the same— for example, AAGGGATCCAC.
At certain places along the string, however , some people have one nucleotide and others have a different one—for example, AAGGAATCCAC, instead of the more common sequence . Such a variation is a SNP ( (Adapted from http:// en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ File:Dna-SNP.svg , accessed on November 23, 2010.)
A powerful study was carried out by Dr. George Uhl and his colleagues at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. They used an approach called genome-wide association studies ( see the next sidebar “ Genome-Wide Association Studies [GWAS] ), where the genes in drug users are compared to those in non-drug users or in low level users
After examining the genes in these populations, they found that 89 genes were associated with drug use. Uhl explained further that “unlike cystic fibrosis which is caused by a single (defective) gene, in addiction and a number of complex disorders, many different genes must act together with environmental factors to create the illness.
No single gene is likely to have a large effect by itself; it’s the combination of effects that produce... the problem.” 1 Many of these 89 genes were known to be associated with memory formation, receptors, and adherence of neurons to each other. It makes sense that those kinds of genes would be involved in drug dependence, which produces biochemical and functional changes in the brain.
Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) GWAS is a powerful way to identify genes that are associated with traits or diseases . It depends on having a test population that has the trait of interest (such as drug taking) and a control population that does not have the trait. Then, all the genes in all of the subjects are characterized and the occurrence of genetic markers in the populations are compared. The genetic markers that are used are SNPs (see previous sidebar, “Tracking Genes”). Studies can look at hundreds of thousands of SNPs that occur among our approximately 30,000 genes by relatively rapid, computerized teckniques
The variations (SNPs) might or might not make a difference in the way a gene functions. (For example, two similar model cars but with different color are like SNPs where there is no difference in function. But the same model cars with very different sized engines might function differently.) So, SNPs don’t have to be functionally powerful; but they are good markers for studying the heritability of specific genes.
Scientists can take advantage of the SNP variations to discover associations between genes and critical traits, such as vulnerability to drug addiction . For example, if a certain SNP occurs more often in drug abusers than in non-drug abusers, then the gene that contains the SNP is said to be associated with, and possibly partly causing, drug addiction. (Adapted from “New Techniques Link 89 genes to Drug Dependence,” NIDA Notes, Vol. 22, September 2008.) There have been interesting new discoveries about the genes related to smoking and the vulnerability for nicotine addiction. As noted, nicotine works in the brain by stimulating receptors for acetylcholine, which are referred to as nicotinic cholinergic receptors. Nicotinic receptors are made up of five separate proteins that bundle together to form a functioning receptor. These proteins, or subunits, have been identified and studied
This information tells us that the influence of our genes on drug taking varies from person to person, and that each person has a different level of biological vulnerability. Most people exposed to addicting drugs do not become addicts. Data shows that the likelihood of addiction is partly due to hereditary factors— our genes. But environmental factors (for example, the availability of drugs, high stress, emotional problems , and peer pressure to use drugs) are essential. Although genetics might account for as much as 20– 40 percent of our vulnerability
It isn’t correct to blame just our genetics for our level of drug use. Psychological Problems Drug use in individuals is often associated with a variety of emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other complicated problems referred to as antisocial personality disorders and conduct disorders. In one study, between 21 and 32 percent of nicotine-dependent subjects had an additional mental health diagnosis.
An individual may suffer from both drug use and a mental health disorder. Sometimes, withdrawal or cessation of drug use can precipitate problems such as anxiety; in this instance, treating the mental problem can make drug addiction treatment more successful. Related to this, it has been suggested that at least some drug addicts begin using drugs to self-medicate and treat problems such as anxiety. This means that if you use addicting drugs, you might have a mental health problem in addition to the use of drugs. If you do, then dealing with that will reduce your vulnerability to drug taking.
Mental problems can weaken our resolve to deal with other issues (such as drug use) in our lives . They can distract and exhaust us, and possibly lead to self-medicating, which might be problematic. Although treating our ills is, of course, important, a doctor’s involvement is often needed, particularly when abusable drugs are involved. Temperament and Personality Traits Many studies show a correlation between personal temperament and drug use. For example, impulsivity, physical activity level, having difficulty sitting still, and the tendency to become emotionally upset have been correlated with higher drug use. On the other hand, having a more positive mood and a desire to be around people have been negatively correlated with drug use. Often, personality traits in adolescence correlate with higher drug use as adults. This is clearly an important topic and an active area of research.
. Because abused drugs in the brain are chemical signals, they are similar to neurotransmitters. But they are different from neurotransmitters in important ways. Neurotransmitters and the brain have co -evolved over eons of time, and they coexist quite peacefully. Neurotransmitters are beautifully regulated by the brain. When their levels are low, they are synthesized. When made, they are safely stored in vesicles. When needed, they are released from specific neurons. After they are released and stimulate receptors, their action is terminated by breakdown, diffusion, or reuptake.
Morphine,for example, disrupts normal neurotransmission is morphine, which is an opioid or opiate drug. Morphine stimulates receptors in the brain for the neurotransmitters enkephalins and endorphins. Morphine does not do anything to the uptake , diffusion, or metabolism of a neurotransmitter . Rather, it stimulates receptors . Actually, most drugs work by doing something to receptors, either stimulating them or inhibiting them. When the drug user injects or takes morphine orally, it goes from the blood to the brain where it stimulates the receptors that are there for endorphins and enkephalin. However, the brain does not have a way to remove or stop the action of morphine like it does for enkephalin and endorphin (which is by diffusion and breakdown by peptidases). Morphine is metabolized in the body, but the process is slow compared to the time for a natural neurotransmission event, so the time course of neurotransmission is greatly distorted by the the use of the drug.
Kuhar, Michael (2011-10-31). The Addicted Brain: Why We Abuse Drugs, Alcohol, and Nicotine (FT Press Science) (Kindle Locations 804-810). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition. K
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Tantra , letting yourself go,freeing your mind.
Tantric sex can make lovemaking more exciting.Firstly, prepare yourself for sex by breathing in deeply to the count of seven and inhaling longer than you exhale.,
Secondly,practice,dynamic meditation.
Thirdly practice the shakti shake by putting on music .Commence,by shaking your right leg,your left leg followed by your hips,arms and shoulders.
Building Body Love: Through the Looking Glass,
A fundamental part of every sex therapy seminar) involves looking at your body and changing any negative attitudes. Often called “homework,” Such exercises are referred to as “homeplay,” since everything you do to increase pleasure should be play and fun, rather than work.
1. Stand naked in front of a full-length mirror (a good time to do this is after a bath). Look at every part of you, starting from your feet and moving slowly up to the top of your head (as in Chapter 3, when you moved your energy through the energy centers). If you catch yourself criticizing, stop and say something kind instead; for example, “My breasts are too small” becomes “My breasts are nice and firm”; “My thighs are too bulky” becomes “My legs are so strong.” you are simply shifting your focus and being gentler with yourself.
2. Examine your genitals. Women can sit on the bed and use a hand mirror (and flashlight) because the female genitals are less obvious than men’s. Open the lips and notice colors, moistness, shapes.
3. Examine your first chakra (your base center located around your anal area, the symbol of security). An easier position to do this for men and women is to squat. As in the genital exam for women, men can use a mirror and flashlight to see more clearly. Notice colors and skin texture.
Breathing and Tantra-Breathe Through the Chakras
A chakra refers to parts of your body. Your breathing practices help you create a clear channel in your body through which air can travel past these chakras; cleansing, feeding, and fueling you. Air going through a clear channel in your body is called an inner flute because of its sweet flutelike sound. You can send your breath to your partner, who will cycle it through his or her chakras and return it, fueling and empowering you both. As you breathe, picture the breath going through the chakras.
➤ The complete breath relaxes you. Inhale deeply into your lower belly and chest (until it pouches out like a contented Buddha). You can do this on your own or with a partner; either face to face or back to back. Sadly, many people resist doing this breath, feeling unattractive with their belly popping out, but it is a good breath to do in the middle of sex. Say, “Let’s do the Buddha breath” and press your bellies and chests against each other.
Do the Chakra Thump ➤ In contrast, as its name suggests, the fire breath fires you up. Take continual rapid breaths in and out of the nose (like snorting) causing your stomach to pulsate quickly. You can accelerate the energy even more by raising and lowering your arms (a familiar motion if you exercise on a stationary bike). Once you get your individual breathing going better, you are ready to breath with a partner for more powerful love connections. One word of caution, however: Too much energy in the brain before you are prepared to handle it can cause you to literally “blow your fuse,” like too many electrical appliances in an outlet. This results in headaches, confusion, passing out, or even a panic attack.
➤ Synchronizing breath In this exercise you breathe in and out at the same time as your partner to get on the same wavelength. Sit comfortably cross-legged facing each other on a pillow if necessary, as long as your spine is straight. Give each other a wink or touch to signal your pacing. After a while, close your eyes to sense each other’s energy pattern.
➤ Reciprocal breath In this breath imagine that you are exchanging air, inhaling your partner’s breath (or imagine breathing for each other). Sit in the yab yum position and inhale while your partner exhales; then exhale while your partner inhales.
Taps awaken energy
Tap on any of your chakras to awaken the energy there. It means making rapid repetitive up-and-down tapping motions on the body with the pads of your fingers. You can also make a fist and use the softer sides of your hands. Review the locations of the chakras in Chapter 3. Practice Streaming
Streaming is a variation of the previous exercises. The giver taps forcefully on either side of the receiver’s spine with the fingertips, starting from the sacrum and progressing up to the neck. A nice addition: When you get to the shoulders, do a nice massage!,
Dance Up an Energy Storm
Chapter 15 examines dance as movement, body conditioning, and just having fun. , “Make It Juicy with Magic and Play,” by sharing some playful things with your partner. Put on some music at home and let yourself sway, bob, shimmy, and shake. Improvise. ,
body play.,
tantric sex
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
The breeze from the ocean
Caresses my face,
As I sit on a bench
Watching the boats
Here at Crossharbour
My heart goes out to this place,
Where I used to retreat and reflect,
In days gone by,
The peace of Cross Harbour
Where I gather strength,
The freshness of the air
Boats of all shapes and sizes
Canoes rowing out to sea
Pubs dotted here and there
Monday, 16 September 2013
"I am a sub and I wanted a way to explore the emotional aspects of a Dom/sub relationship" says Paige

What is your latest book about?
My latest book takes a look at a member of a BDSM club in Boston and a woman that applies to their training program. Each of the characters is battling a past that have affected their ability to sustain or want any type of long term relationships. However, their attraction to each other is undeniable and almost threatening. They need to battle with their own fears in order to be together. When the heroine’s past comes back to haunt her, the hero must fully admit his feelings to her and himself in order to keep her safe.
When did you begin writing and why do you prefer BDSM?
I began writing during high school, although those were more journal like musings. During college, I majored in writing and specifically creative writing. I chose BDSM as a specific sub genre of erotica because the lifestyle intrigues me. I am a submissive and I wanted a way to explore the emotional aspects of a D/s relationship and that lifestyle. I believe that the 50 Shades phenomena has opened main stream culture to this world and with that come both positive and negative associations. I want to craft interesting stories that not only entertain readers, but also educate them as well. Within each of my first two novels, readers will find explanations of protocols, rules, and the in/outs of submission and dominance.
What are the advantages of writing for a niche market?
The advantages of writing for a niche market include the ability to craft a novel specifically the way you want. Readers are looking for specific story line, specific elements. As a writer, I can craft the stories the way I want without worrying about how the reader will interpret the story or plot. However, there are disadvantages as we are limited to readers who specifically look for erotica. We limit ourselves to readers and target market, although I believe there are a lot of readers that enjoy the erotica genre . Do you research to write and how? Do you visit clubs?
I do research to write what I do. As I said before, I am a submissive and I draw off of my experiences, thoughts and emotions to drive my female leads. I talk with fellow kinky people and read a lot on the lifestyle from various sources, not just my contacts. There are always certain aspects of your novels that require research. You are not able to produce a realistic portrayal without research. I have visited clubs in order to get a feel for the environment, the smells, and the energy. Some things can only be described by actually seeing and feeling.
How difficult has the self-publishing process been for you?
I think I was rudely awakened when I published my first novel and I have learned a great deal from that time. The hardest thing in self-publishing is promotion. I spend countless hours a night and sometimes during the day working on social media, blog posts, connecting with other authors and readers, doing cross promotion. My husband hates it when I bring my Ipad out at night .
I think there is stigma against self-published authors that affect the reception of readers. There are writers who don’t take the time to craft their story to the point where we can't edit it anymore and publish it, but those are only a few in the scheme of all self-pub authors. We spend a great deal of time writing, editing, editing some more…
Did you design your own cover? If not how?
I actually use a cover designer (one of my biggest pieces of advice to self-published authors). I use Tugboat Designs (www.tugboatdesign.net) and she is absolutely wonderful. I usually explain my ideas for the cover and send a few examples of photos that I like, and she does the rest. Although, I changed the look of the cover for the second novel, Deborah was still able to keep a generic theme across the covers. She is awesome and very easy to work with, not to mention competitively priced for indie authors!
How do you get ideas?
I draw of experiences and my own fantasies. What would I enjoy? How can I craft that into a story? I wrote a short story that I submitted for publication to an online erotic magazine that was based solely on a fantasy that I had. Keeping fingers crossed it gets chosen . I usually start with an idea and then brainstorm with a few of my trusted confidants and beta readers, to flush out the ideas and plot line. How long did it take you to write the latest? I started Consume Me in February of 2013, so just over seven months from start to finish.
What’s your next project?
I have completed writing and am in the process of editing a contemporary rock romance due out hopefully in December, and I am also working on the third novel in the Devoured Club Series entitled Dominate Me. After that I have two more to write in the rock series and a few stand alone projects that I am working on with a D/s couple. So keeping busy!
***Thank you for having me on the blog today.
CONSUME ME by Paige Matthews
Emma O'Connor's interest in bondage and submission has led her to the training program at Devoured. With past sexual experiences less than par, Emma wants nothing more than to submit to a Master. With her need for pleasure and her desire to please, Emma finds herself exploring the desires that have remained subdued; although unsure if she could make a good submissive.
Marcus, the Dom in charge of the training program at Devoured, is more than interested in the feisty submissive. When Emma walks in for her interview, Marcus knows he's met his match. Consumed by nothing but thoughts of her, Marcus begins to doubt his ability to stay in control and his previous stance on collaring a submissive. Marcus finds himself unsure of his feelings for Emma, and his responsibility to the other trainees.
When a threat surfaces against Emma and her past comes back to haunt her, Marcus must admit his feelings for her in order to protect her, or risk losing her forever.
Join Marcus, Emma, and the rest of the Devoured Club Doms and Subs in the second installment of the Devoured Club Series.
Author Stalker Links:
Purchase Links:
Kindle edition http://www.amazon.com
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com
Blog : http://paigematthews.com/
Excerpt :
“Yes, sir, I am ready.” Her voice was laced with need and desire. The musky smell from her arousal filled my senses as I grabbed my flogger off the bed.
I began to run it over her body, lightly grazing her back and ass, the inside of her thighs, and even through her pussy. The motion was meant to awaken her skin and desensitize it prior to me picking up the impact of the whip.
I chose a low intensity flogger, one that would have a lighter sting and more thud than a thicker flogger. I wanted to start her off slow, and build her tolerance up. She had mentioned that one of her biggest fantasies was to be restrained against a St. Andrew’s cross and flogged until she came. I would make that fantasy come true, but for now, baby steps, so to say.
I continued to run the flogger over her, teasing her while alternating between grazing and light strikes against her skin to awaken it, prepare it for the heavier strikes.
“Sub, tell me why you hesitated earlier in the lounge?” I ran my hands over her breasts, pausing to feel them roll through my fingers, pinching her nipples before I picked up the flogger and continued on. Her body swayed toward me, yearning for more.
“Sir…I um…” her response fragmented as I lightly struck her thigh with the flogger.
“I’m waiting, pet. Answer me.” I growled back while landing the flogger on her ass.
“Sir…Public nudity brought back a bad memory, sir, I’m sorry. I won’t hesitate again.” Her voice was shaky, as if she was trying to hide something. I picked up the speed and rhythm of the impacts, varying the positions from her ass to her back to her thighs. I paused to give her body a break, and her head sagged onto my shoulder.
I ran my fingers over her sex, to find her wetness dripping down her leg. “We will talk about that in more detail later, but one more question before I allow you to come.”
“Yes, sir?”
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Ken Kroon & Friends
Songs played at the concert included Loving girl,Nobody knows,Samba,Come to me and Summer time.
Other members of the group were Ron Brown,Fred Magnusson,Fred Hem,Leo Lindberg,Ken Jonsson and Anette Nilsson.
A Tragic Love Traingle
Mechelle Hughes , a mom and respecatble member of her community,otherwise known as Bobby Jo , a very attractive former stripper masterminded the murder of her fiance, Kent Leppink with the assistance of John Carlin IV, her lover who was an ex-marine and steelworker. As a stripper ,men showered her with money and presents.”Like all the dancers, Mechele had to reveal just enough of herself so the men would shower her with money and valuables , but hold back enough so they would come back for more.”
This is the story of a love triangle that ended tragically with murder.It was a cold case which was solved after ten years ,thanks to the latest advances in forensic software technology.
Mechelle wanted money and had no misgivings about how to get it-Kent's, $ 1 million insurance policy was modified after his murder to make her and John the beneficiaries of his estate. While John's passion for her meant he would do anything to have her.
This a story of seduction,lust and manipulation. Fleeman, Michael (2011-08-02). Seduced by Evil: The True Story of a Gorgeous Stripper-Turned-Suburban-Mom, Her Secret Past, and a Ruthless Murder St. Martin's Press. Kindle Edition.
This is the story of a love triangle that ended tragically with murder.It was a cold case which was solved after ten years ,thanks to the latest advances in forensic software technology.
Mechelle wanted money and had no misgivings about how to get it-Kent's, $ 1 million insurance policy was modified after his murder to make her and John the beneficiaries of his estate. While John's passion for her meant he would do anything to have her.
This a story of seduction,lust and manipulation. Fleeman, Michael (2011-08-02). Seduced by Evil: The True Story of a Gorgeous Stripper-Turned-Suburban-Mom, Her Secret Past, and a Ruthless Murder St. Martin's Press. Kindle Edition.
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Wealthy Men Only
This story shows that the wheels of justice may roll slowly but will catch up with criminals eventually.The murderer of Kevin, a millionaire who was found dead with six gunshot wounds on his kitchen floor was convicted thirteen years years after the crime.
Nanette,his young and attractive wife who preferred millionaires and sugar daddies had masterminded the killing of her third husband with the assistance of Eric Nakowski, her boyfriend and lover with the hope of inheriting the enormous wealth of Kevin.
Beneath,the respectable image of Nanette as a caring mother of four was that of a classic gold digger and confidence trickster who would do anything to get what she wants. This book is excellent piece of detective work and court drama which I would recommend to lovers of true crime.
Sands, Stella (2012-10-30). Wealthy Men Only: The True Story of a Lonely Millionaire, a Gorgeous Younger Woman, and the Love Triangle that Ended in Murder . St. Martin's Press. Kindle Edition.
Nanette,his young and attractive wife who preferred millionaires and sugar daddies had masterminded the killing of her third husband with the assistance of Eric Nakowski, her boyfriend and lover with the hope of inheriting the enormous wealth of Kevin.
Beneath,the respectable image of Nanette as a caring mother of four was that of a classic gold digger and confidence trickster who would do anything to get what she wants. This book is excellent piece of detective work and court drama which I would recommend to lovers of true crime.
Sands, Stella (2012-10-30). Wealthy Men Only: The True Story of a Lonely Millionaire, a Gorgeous Younger Woman, and the Love Triangle that Ended in Murder . St. Martin's Press. Kindle Edition.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Not all that glitters is gold-the true story of a manipulative seductress

"When Marjorie was younger, she enjoyed the wild party life--dancing all night and partying until dawn. But by thirty -three, she was burnt out on the lifestyle. More than ever, she felt unfulfilled. She longed for true companionship.
Greed and love of money were the reasons why she finally murdered Jay,a rich businessman with whom she had a fling previously while working as a dancer.
Marjorie felt trapped with Jay according to Sophia , a prosecution witness at her murder trial . She was "dying inside" and needed a way out. She had a lot to gain financially if she got away with the murder. This the tragic story of a manipulative and deceitful seductress written in very simple language.

Monday, 26 August 2013
Egyptian Rally in stockholm

Sunday, 25 August 2013
Stockholm Night life this weekend

Just before midnight ,the trio showed up immaculately dressed.Meles in a black suit and the girls in miniskirts ,hair nicely styles.To his shock the doorman said their names were not on the guest list even though he had got an e-mail to the contrary the previous night.
A second attempt to enter the Pussy Cat night club was abortive because the doorman claimed since they smelt of alcohol they must be drunk and may cause problems inside.Such is the discrimination people of colour face in today's Sweden.Olof Palme,Swedish social democratic leader who was assassinated in Feb. 1986 aged 59 years must be turning in his grave.
However,Saturday night was a complete opposite when he attended a Back to school party at Bunker Bar Folkungagatan 59 Stockholm organised at Bunker Bar Folkungagatan 59 by Meet up (http://www.meetup.com/Parties-in-Stockholm-by-aLmAd/events/
Bunker bar was full of people of all ages and races including many Erasmus European students.The atmosphere was great,a full dance floor and nice music.Talk about the ups and downs of life as well as the power of facebook.com to bring like-minded people together!
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Stripping career with a happy ending
This is a thrilling story about Gracie who moved from Georgia to Los Angeles to work as a stripper at the Exotic Nights club. and meets a rich and generous movie star in the course of her dancing career.
My favourite character in this book is Candy,a stripping colleague who helps her to choreograph her pole dancing routine.
It is a vivid account of the tough working conditions under which Gracie works She is not an employee because she is working on a contract for services and is entirely dependent on tips from customers at the club or by performing at private parties.
In contrast ,Dawson her rich movie star lover for whom she strips makes millions of dollars as he progresses from one film contract to the other.
This is an exciting story about romance ,infatuation and seduction. Wilder, Jasinda (2013-08-16). Stripped . Kindle Editio
My favourite character in this book is Candy,a stripping colleague who helps her to choreograph her pole dancing routine.
It is a vivid account of the tough working conditions under which Gracie works She is not an employee because she is working on a contract for services and is entirely dependent on tips from customers at the club or by performing at private parties.
In contrast ,Dawson her rich movie star lover for whom she strips makes millions of dollars as he progresses from one film contract to the other.
This is an exciting story about romance ,infatuation and seduction. Wilder, Jasinda (2013-08-16). Stripped . Kindle Editio
Monday, 12 August 2013
Brazil day in Stockholm

Its total population is around 191 million and shares borders with Venezuela,Columbia,Guyana, Peru,Bolivia,Argentina and Uruguay among others.
Its main exports include oil,soybeans,paper,textile and sugar.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
"I prefer the more raunchy side of writing" says Serena Akeroyd

Congratulations Serena on the recent publication of your novella “Fall into Love” on Amazon.com
What is your latest book about?
Serena Akeroyd :Fall Into Love is the story of a sexual journey; it’s also a time of learning for the central character, Simone. After years of celibacy, Simone meets a man who changes all that, but with it, he brings a whole new set of rules into the playing arena. Through that change of rules, Simone learns more about herself, what she’s capable of whilst having a damned good time! It’s actually my first novella and was released at the beginning of August.
When did you begin writing and why?
Serena Akeroyd :I started writing when I was about 19. I hated English prior to that; it had never been one of my best subjects at school. And then I read a Mills and Boon book; a proper romance novel and I thought, I want to write this. I want to write happy-ever-afters and make women happy. It set out from there and evolved into erotica; as I prefer the more raunchy side of writing, as it seems more realistic to me than chaste kisses.
How difficult has the self-publishing process been for you? Did you design your own cover? If not, how?
Serena Akeroyd :Actually, the whole process has been a lot easier than I imagined. There’s lots to read and to be honest, it’s quite tedious, but worthwhile, all the same. I’ve only uploaded on to Kindle at the moment, but intend to share on Smashwords too. With that, comes a whole new set of complications, but I’ll deal with it, when the time comes. No, I had the idea for the cover art and what I wanted, a very simple layout with a vintage/art-deco feel to it and S A Hunt, a novelist and illustrator did the rest for me. He’s awesome.
How do you get ideas?
Serena Akeroyd :From everywhere and nowhere. Sometimes, when I’m falling asleep, ideas come to me and that’s where this one came from. A series following three women as they travel along a road they’ve never crossed before. Three very modern women, all close friends and confidantes, who are still entirely autonomous and have their own secrets. And the stories are very much about the heroines and how the heroes affect their lives for good and ill. They’re strong women and I hope that’s reflected in the story. The series is classified, to my mind, in the erotica genre, but the novellas are more than about sex. They’re about a journey and change.
How long do you take to write a story?
Serena Akeroyd :I’m a very fast writer; but Fall Into Love is a short story so it took me about a fortnight. The editing process was a lot longer than the actual writing of it.
What is your next project?
Serena Akeroyd :My next project is called a Crazy Little Thing Called Lust. It’s part two of Simone’s story and starts right where part one left off; dealing with the aftermath and the fallout of the hero, Zane’s, past.
Website @SerenaAkeroy Xrated Blog #XXX #18+ Fall Into Love (Naughty Nookie) [Kindle Edition]www.Amazon-com Serena Akeroyd (Author), Samuel Hunt (Illustrator) https://www.facebook.com/SerenaAkeroyd
Monday, 5 August 2013
Omar-victim of hate
What the hell are you doing in this country?” was the last word that-Omar ,45 year old black man heard before being kicked in the stomach and falling to the ground at the Mariatoget underground train station south of stockholm by Oscar , the 39 year old nazi .He became unconscious as he was kicked once more in the head ,striking his head against the stone floor when he tried to get
It was the June 12 2008 and Omar had just finished watching a football match at Viking bar and on his way to catch a train home.At the same time,Oscar came out of a train and climbed up the escalator,making a Hitler salute with one hand pointing upwards,screaming ”seig heil” several
times before he attacked Omar.
It was an unprovoked attack just because of Omar's skin colour.”SMR(Svenska motstÃ¥ndsrorelsen-Swedish resistance movement) hates,hates,hates all black men,”said Oscar when he was arrested later by the police.” I dont remember anything because I was very drunk,” when Oscar was asked by the police if the attack had been motivated by his hatred of foreigners.
Omar later said that he was shocked by the attack and is afraid to go out.
The greatest number of hate crimes are recorded in the county of Stockholm.1,014 hate incidents were recorded in 2007 which wass an increase of 16 per cent compared with 2006.
Hate crimes often involve unprovoked attacks on people either of their sexual orientation or skin colour.
Hate crimes can vary from vandalisation of property to murder.The commonest motive is hatred of foreigners.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Excellent guide to Search engine optimization(SEO) and blogging
This is an excellent introduction and guide on how to raise your ranking on Google and other
search engines. There are practical examples of how to achieve to achieve the through on-page/off-page optimization , link building,blogging,blog commenting and guest posting on other blogs.I highly recommend this gem for online marketing.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Jet 1-Entertaining action thriller
This is goodies for the mind. I find Jet, the female character so smart and courageous.It makes interesting reading. I highly recommend this gem.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Smutty good fun
Casey Anderson reunites with Chris Savage her ex lover when he becomes his patient after a car crash.She has not seen him for several years.His recovery from a coma provides an opportunity for reconciliation . Its a story full of suspense with a great deal of hot sex.
By Lick, Lucy . Crash: While He Sleeps ..Amazon Kindle Edition.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Sweat and Curves
The story of how a visit to the gym for a workout by Trisha brings her into contact with a
trainer who eventually bangs her is really exciting.I love the rapid pace of the plotting which is spiced
with steaming hot sex in a sauna.What I like about the book is the is the element of surprise leading to unexpected twists and turns.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
The philosophy of minimalism
Minimalism is, in its essence, about getting rid of the negative and non-essential, so that you may focus more on the positive and important-the various ways to free up your time and your physical space. To achieve that one has to create more mental space.
Happiness, peace of mind, and inner freedom are the ultimate goals of minimalism
Further,the ”80/ 20-rule” or ”Pareto Principle” is at the heart of what it means to be a minimalist. In other words twenty percent of a certain cause contributes eighty percent of the effect. Twenty percent of your work time creates eighty percent of the results, twenty percent of your clients contribute eighty percent of your income and so on.
For example, regarding work , this means that one first needs to identify precisely what the core twenty-percent-activities which truly create value for ones's employer and the practitioner and then reducing to a minimum or eliminating completely the remaining eighty percent.
This principle are applied to to concrete activities such as reading,studying,sleep,economics or travel in the book.
What I like about the book is that it is lucid and full of practical examples.
Hilmersen, Thomas (2012-08-30). The Minimalist Way: Stress Less, Live More . Kindle Edition.
Monday, 22 July 2013
Beach Life
Its warm and sunny outside
As I gaze through my window
Took the bus to the beach
People all over as I changed
For a swim
Women showing more skin
In bikinis or hot pants
Long legs,tits,hips,thongs
Kids screaming in the water
Brown ducks floating
Still lukewarm in the water as I
Made my way step by step inside
Feeling the wind against my face
Its so relaxing as I dive into water
Deep inside the North sea
Gentle waves caressing my body
Its such a wonderful sensation
Moving in the ocean
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Criminal Litigation
This book discusses what it takes to be an effective legal advocate to a judge or jury.It stresses that a lawyer is part actor and part scholar and may sometimes argue a position that may be contrary to his or her personal beliefs about some factual or legal issue—which is where the “part actor” comes in.
An effective advocate must champion that position enthusiastically, even if personally he or she may disagree with it.
There are two main types of legal advocacy—advocacy to a judge and advocacy to a jury. The former involves a partisan discussion of the relevant facts and law, with an emphasis typically on the law. The latter likewise involves a partisan discussion of the facts and law, with an emphasis typically on the facts.
To be an advocate is to be partisan for his or her client.In addition as an officer
of the court he has an obligation to promote the ultimate objective of the court which is to ensure that the guilty be convicted and the innocent go free. A prosecutor, while a lawyer and legal advocate is a public servant whose first and foremost duty is to do justice.
The book includes exercises which are scenarios under the factual hypothetical section backed by case law to help students sharpen their advocacy skills.
Newton, Brent. Criminal Litigation and Legal Issues in Criminal Procedure . National Institute for Trial Advocacy. Kindle Edition.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Loneliness is risky
Loneliness encourages various types of risk behavior, such as excessive alcohol consumption and suicide.Experts say that Swedes are more lonely today than 20 years ago and social isolation increases the risk of premature death by 50 percent, according to a U.S study published in Public library of science(PLOS-www.plosmedicine.org)
Humans are social animals who are created to belong to a group. Having no affiliation affects us negatively. Social relationships holds you to a standard which protects you from various types of risk behaviour, such as drinking a lot of alcohol. Social isolation increases the risk of premature death by 50 percent, according to a Mikael Rostila, associate Professor of Sociology at the Centre for Health Equity Studies who has published a book on human relationships.
Sex, drugs,salsa.
This is a book about the experiences of Tom a Norwegian tourist on a visit to Columbia which has a population of 48 million, is located on the northern coast of South-America, is a major exporter of coffee, flowers, emeralds, coal, petroleum , cocaine and marijuana.
On his flight Tom makes friends Alejandro who introduces him to the swinger life in a residencia in Bogota with its attractive and exotic women who provide sexual services for visitors who want to have fun.He travels to the Cartagena de Indias Cali,Barranquilla and Medellin ,outside Bogota and provides a vivid account about his encounter with Daina a green-eyed hooker who he met at a club and experiences with other women he met through internet dating.
There is a lively account about the glamorous Colombianas in Medellin,pretty women who entertain the gringos and other westerners.
However,life in Columbia goes beyond the ongoing conflict between the FARC guerrillas and the central government ,murder,boob jobs ,prostitution or the activities of the narcotrafficante who smuggle cocaine to the United States
According to the author "there's no doubt that the Colombian government's fight against terror, combined with its promotion of free markets and foreign investments, is paying off - not only for the rich, but for the majority of people. Everywhere you look, you see signs of a growing middle class. New apartment buildings sprout up in neighborhoods of all but the lowest socioeconomic categories, new shopping malls are being built and filled, and more and more car dealers open up."
"The shopping malls, these temples of consumerism, are perhaps the most fascinating of these telltale signs of progress. Medellin now has several that not only rival, but surpass, those you'll find in large American and European cities. "
"The Centro Commercial Santafé, which opened its doors in the spring of 2010, has floors and walls of polished pink stone, and its gigantic glass roof slides open, whenever the climatic conditions turn favorable. As soon as it starts raining, it automatically closes again."
"The stores offer, among other things, luxury watches and European brand clothes. Another mall in Medellin, El Tesoro, is built around an amusement park, complete with a roller coaster."
" Even in Cartagena, where the ranks of the ridiculously wealthy are considerably thinner, one sees all the signs of an improving economy. Recently, both Mercedes and BMW established new stores here, and high-end shopping malls are popping up everywhere you lay your eyes. "
This book provides a stimulating account of social and economic life in Columbia spiced with hot sex scenes. Hilmersen, Thomas. Sex, Drugs and Salsa: Three Wild Years in Colombia Kindle Edition.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Submission training gone wrong
Chloe is sixteen years old and Honey seventeen and they met Lucas a thirty six year old man at a dating site on the internet.They were attracted to each other for the love of playing erotic bondage and submission games.They met after chatting for a while at a club Lick for a round of beers and wine.Sometime after midnight Lucas invited them to his home for a threesome.
After playing naked poker for a while at his place,Lucas and his companions got naked and he subsequently had his hands tied behind eyes blindfolded while they teased his cock.To his surprise,as the game progressed,Chloe brandished a knife and Honey asked him to surrender his Visa credit card and reveal the code to them.
After they got him to reveal his code the two disappeared ,went to a nearby cashpoint and emptied
his bank account of a huge sum of money.Lucas ,was later freed by a neighbour who heard his cries for help.The girls were subsequently charged for fraud and betrayal of trust by a court and sentenced to unpaid community service for three months each because they were under eighteen years
and could not be sent to prison under the laws of the land.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Should sex work be decriminilised?
Prostitution is defined as the practice of habitual or intermittent sex,more or less promiscuous, for economic considerations .It is characterised by three elements,payment,promiscuity and emotional indifference.
It has been suggested that female poverty is the result of sexual discrimination and low wages in the labour market and that prostitution is a strategy for female survival under conditions of poverty
A prostitute is any person who earns a living by the indiscriminate, willing and emotionally indifferent provision of services against payment,usually in advance but not necessarily in cash.
Prostitution in the context of sex tourism has been labelled as a form of sexual imperialism by sections of the Asian women’s movement who point to the profits made by tour operators from industrial countries by incorporating prostitutes’ services in their packages of services sold to male tourists. This is attributed to the inferior economic position of some Asian countries which sought to gain from international trade through tourism.
Another view is that sexuality has now been transformed to sexual labour in the transition to capitalism. Female sexuality has become a commodity as a result of changing perceptions of the value of their sexuality. As new forms of production were introduced, the value of female sexuality has changed and their sexuality and labour have become a new form of property forcing them to use it for their survival. movement
There has been attempts to relate prostitution to marriage where women are traded as sexual objects. Marriage may be an economic transaction where girls or women are purchased through a bride price or a fee to an introduction agency.
Prostitution has its origin and counterpart in traditional forms of exchange of girls or women for cash, child marriage, temporary marriage and trafficking of women for marriage .The mail order bride industry has integrated the sale of women into the global sex industry where women are trapped by poverty and lack of remedy such as divorce .Here marriage still reflects an aspect of prostitution since women have to allow access to their bodies in return for survival. For example, muta among shia moslems where marriage even for a couple of hours for sex is seen as religiously acceptable is an example.
Sale of visual sex for purely economic considerations is not the same as prostitution but amounts to commercialisation of the body.
Stripping, flashing and teasing for a living may be analysed at various levels.Firstly, as predominantly sexual .Here, the performance is dominated by sexual activity.Secondly, as predominabtly entertainment by the amount of entertainment it provides by way of dancing.A third variety is a combination of both.The performances include baring of breasts, flashing by lowering the G-string to expose the pubic area, floor work which is that segment which is done,sitting,kneeling or lying on the floor or prop work which may include use of the dance pole on stage.
The type of the women who enter stripping tend to narcissistic who are fully aware of their attractiveness.However,the display of skin before a paying audience is purely for economic considerations and not for her own sexual arousal.The strippers basic and salable product is visual sex.The music and dancing used in their a performance are mere accessories.The occupational conditions means,firstly,isolation from affective social relationships,secondly,unsatisfactory relationships with males and thirdly an opportunity structure allowing a wide range of sexual behaviour.
As the clubs seek to maximize profits they put on many dancers which creates greater competition , forces down earnings and compels the stripper to engage in practices such as lap dancing or prostitution.
The profit levels are are enhanced by the non-payment of benefits such as sick benefits since club owners treat strippers as independent contractors renting space in the club.
Female sex tourism by western tourists is motivated by racist stereotypes using sex tourism to boost their privileged race and class status in their interaction with black men in the Africa
or the Carribean.The women are looking for black men with good bodies or firm and muscular machines they can control.
The meaning of prostitution in the United Kingdom was determined in law by the decision of the court of Appeal in Regina V McFarlane(1993) when it dismissed an appeal by a man convicted of living on the earnings of prostitution and determined that, in considering the mischief of harassment and nuisance to members of the public on the streets, the distinction between “a clipper” and “a hooker” was immaterial.
The unsuccessful appeal was brought by Eric McFarlane, aged 39, from his conviction at Knightsbridge Crown Court, before Judge Hordern, QC and a jury, on a charge of living wholly or in partly on the earnings of the prostitution of a woman, contrary to of the Sexual Offences Act 1956. He was sentenced to four months imprisonment.
Prostitutes can be divided,firstly,the lower-class hooker or streetwalker,,secondly,the call girl and thirdly, the pleasure girl.The hooker does not have a fixed address ,relying on passing trade. The call girl is more expensive.Her services are more expensive because of the cost of accommodation and telephone are included.She can afford to be more selective in her choice of customers and services offered.The pleasure- girl includes models, beauty queens, social climbers and cover girls.A term referring to all women using their bodies and female attraction not merely in exchange for money but in pursuit of getting contacts with the famous and powereful and to achieve social advancement.
In the indoor markets where the quality of service implies that a hooker may stay with a client for hours rather than minutes, a set routine may emerge. Sandra, a call girl describes the five stage process she goes through with each client as”settling him in”,” getting him going”, getting him to shoot his load”,”reassuring him”, “normalising” and “getting him out.”
The prostitute does what every woman continues to do-they sell their bodies for money while women do likewise for love; prostitute’s tease men with their provocative mini skirts while women do the same fully dressed. Women have developed the technique of surviving and being attractive for the sake of her partner and kids while a prostitutes does the same for herself and her customers.
They may be divided into two distinct groups.Firstly,those who do it out of free will (voluntary prostitutes) and secondly,those who do it because of their own psycho-neurotic needs(compulsive prostitutes)There may be three factors that influence hers decision in the case of the second group;namely,predisposing ,attracting and precipitating factors. Predisposing factors may be promiscuous parents or a broken home,attractive factors may be monetary gains or a more exciting life and precipitating factors may be unhappy love life.
Those who require the services of prostitutes may be divided into various categories.
Firstly,the male who for one reason or the other is deprived of sexual gratification.Examples include sailors, soldiers, commercial travellers police men or the widower who may not want to remarry.
Secondly, the shy young man who is unable to experiment with girls of his own
age group because he is unsure of himself. Thirdly, lonely men who need company.
Fourthly,deviant men whose sexual needs are not satisfied by normal intercourse with a woman.
Fifthly,husbands or partners of menopausal women who are less inclined to sexual
intercourse than they were a few years back. For women between the ages of 45-55,the menopause is a difficult period in terms of sexual intercourse. Symptoms of the menopause include nervousness,headaches,instability,insomnia,poor memory,moodiness,feelings of inadequacy,tiredness,lack of concentration,palpitations,back ache and aching joints,. The loss of oestrogen causes some wasting away of the genital tract resulting in potential irritation and discomfort and reduced sensitivity of the vaginal walls and greater unresponsiveness which in combination with the forgoing factors make a loss of libido likely and even when even intercourse is wanted it can either prove to be less satisfying than usual or less enjoyable or in a number of caseseven quite painful.
Men who find themselves in this kind of situation may turn their attention to to street walkers or other types of prostitutes.
Reasons given by clients for accessing the services of hookers include,” no other partner” “,not enough sex with wife/partner”, “excitement” and “ an alternative to masturbation. According one client,” doing it myself is not much fun, “Estimates of the numbers of clients based on the numbers of hookers and the amount of work they do indicates that 11 per cent of the adult male population in the UK pays for sex fairly regularly.
The level of resources that would be required to police the behaviour of such a large proportion of the population is unthinkable.Police and allied agencies who have to monitor and arrest violent sex offenders are already overstretched.
Opponents of prostitution argue that it is not possible to raise prostitution to the level of a profession because professions such as law and medicine require candidates to attain a body of skills and attain an examinable standard assessed by their peers.Professional bodies play gatekeeping roles to ensure that attractive opportunities opportunities open to professionals are not undermined by cheaper unqualified labour.
Consequently, licensing of prostitutes would only be meaningful if they are able to undertake courses to equip them for their profession while licensing boards would
impose standards which reflect the kinds of knowledge and skills required for the sex provider’s work and protect clients from any harm resulting from her work.
Other supporters of prostitution suggest that women possess special sexual skills.Street walkers stress the skills of getting men to ejaculate rapidly to avoid the discomfort of being used too long.Critics of this line of argument state that this consists of moving round and making noises which does not seem to be more specialised than the action of other women who are not getting paid who want the men they live with to end dull sexual intercourse so they can go to sleep.
Some of the arguments in favour of decriminalization of prostitution include reduction of teenage pregnancies, elimination traditional hypocrisy and double standards, reduction of crime by bringing down the level of blackmail,violence,pimps.Legalization of brothels will strengthen the marriage bond and reduce the number of divorces.By reducing divorces,it will contribute to strengthening the shrinking family unit and thus reduce
juvenile crime.
Besides,it has been suggested that prostitution provides a useful social service for the sick,the ugly,the deformed,the old and the disabled.For example,sexual frustration among prisoners is a cause of homosexuality among inmates.This argument is supported by the fact that homosexuality is rampant is residential boys schools where access to the opposite sex is quite restricted.
Further,it is argued that female prostitution tends to reduce homosexuality.
By associating with females the male learns the traits of sensitivity, tenderness and warmth which will ultimately make him a successful partner.Where masculine traits are
lacking the male becomes either too closely associated with the mother or finds himself in a position of conflict with her.His familiarity with persons of the opposite sex other than his mother is adversely affected. This may explain why some men are put off by an increasing number of strong-willed, assertive group of women
who as a reaction prefer friendship with other men.
Further,at a social level it is argued that decriminalisation will eradicate
traditional hypocrisy and make double standards unnecessary as well as reduce
crime generally. For example, street walkers who are on drugs work much longer
hours than those who are not.Similarly, those who have to pay fines will have
to work harder than those who are not caught.More frequent contacts are more
likely to result in the spread of sexually transmitted disease.It likely that
a prostitute who operates from a licensed brothel would not need the protection of the kind provided by pimps or criminal organizations or need to work long hours
and hence find drug use unnecessary.
However,it has been suggested that there are pimps whose services prostitutes
consider to be an asset by acting as agents. They offer a series of practical services for a price which is necessary such as soliciting for sex by finding clients,giving warnings of police arrivals as well as protection from violence or robbery or giving free sex services.
When it comes to present day society,there appears to be some confusion in its
approach to love and marriage.Women have worsened the situation by maintaining
a degree of universality of her role within marriage and society by claiming
that they can be wife,mother,sister,mistress and friend at the same time.Previously,there
was a distinction between profane and sacred love and it was considered acceptable that a human being is capable of both of looking up to heaven and wallowing in hell.The distinction between pure and impure love is to highlight the idea that our
sexuality is capable of being directed in at least two ways.
Indeed, there is a school of thought which divides women into three categories
When it comes availability of sexual favours.Firstly,those loyal to one man who would prefer death to ‘forced’ intercourse.Secondly,the not so high minded who would occasionally provide sexual favours to achieve an objective and thirdly,the saleswoman
who because of their moral upbringing or environment or hormonal development or psychological heritage attach no importance to their sex organ and are prepared to sell it.
According to J.C Flugel in his book “The Psycho Analytic Study of a Family”, the sexual elements of love are more frequently aroused in a woman together with tenderness and esteem whereas in a man, they can be isolated from each other.Most women may only be capable of having sex only with a man with whom they are in love while some men are content with having sex with a slut just for the sake of gratification.
Critics of commercial sex argue that it encourages violence against women.“I am down on whores and shan’t quit ripping them till I do get buckled…” is a quote from a letter sent to the press by someone claiming to be Jack the Ripper,the notorious White Chapel murderer in 1888.It has been suggested that prostitution facilitates murder of sex workers.Sex workers experience violence from clients or men who pretend to be clients,vigilantes,muggers,robbers,partners,pimps and managers. Violence from clients and vigilantes and robbers often takes place while the victim is at work.At the street level the public nature of the work exposes them to aggression from street people and clients.A sex worker may have sex in a car,or outdoors,in alleyways, industrial units,parks,derelict buildings buildings or go to the clients home.
Potterat et al(2003) state that in the United States . sex workers are more likely to be murdered than women of similar demographic charateristics.They concluded that the homicide rate is many times higher than for any occupation in the developed world.”
Location of work is a critical factor regarding the risk of being murdered, The risk of being murdered as a sex worker is higher for street walkers.An analysis
of press reports of 84 deaths and disappearances of sex workers in the UK between
1990 and 2004 shows that only one out of the group was male.The majority were street
workers who were last seen alive while working.While others worked from pubs
and lorry parks.Only one indoor worker was killed at premises were other people were present at the time of the murder.Eight other indoor workers were found dead either in their own premises or in the homes of clients who were subsequently convicted.
.Indoor workers may operate alone, making them vulnerable to attack; where they operate in a group they may be targeted for robbery since the more workers there are in one place, the greater the amount of cash likely to be on the premises. Research carried out by Channel 4 in 2002 found 52 per cent of sex workers experienced attacks for no apparent reason.
However,some of the possible reasons that may have triggered the attacks include sex workers refusing the type of services the client wanted ,disputes over money or clients refusing to pay,sex workers saying time up before the client could ejaculate after being paid or the client being unable to get an erection.
Clients’ problems with ejaculation are frequently related to alcohol use which in itself has potential for violence.Since much sex work takes place at night as pubs and clubs are closing sex workers will be exposed to the effects of alcohol from their clientele.
Physical location facilitates violence against street workers since interaction takes place
In dark,isolated places where attacks take place.Clients and others who attack sex workers share common social attitudes that sex workers are worthless individuals, degraded women who deserve punishment. It would be difficult change such attitudes as long as policies and public statements about sex work reinforce an atmosphere of abhorrence aimed at shaming and humiliating clients.
Sex worker deaths by homicide are likely to be unrecorded since the coding system does not include in its record of “key occupation” those women
who have other forms of unemployment or whose involvement in sex work is concealed.
Women who work in institutions providing sex-related entertainment such as night clubs,escort services or massage parlours have a sexual identity which is defined
as a personal service.They are largely protected from the police,the law and the court.The legal framework in which these commercial institutions they operate does
not view prostitutes as criminals but as wage workers. Prostitution law affects them only when it can be proved that they have engaged in sex for money
Physical coercion, abduction and debt bondage deprive women of their civil and human rights which are exploited to turn them into objects of slave labour.Whatever physical assets they may possess are to be used to provide pleasure for their clients while they
derive no lasting rewards except maintenance provided by the brothel owner who collects all the benefits.In cases of socio-economic coercion women must compete with
each other and expose their assets to attract clients.They must also invest in their assets to maintain their value by buying clothing and cosmetics and ensure a certain degree of mobility within the hierarchy of the sex industry.Such mobility determined by
the sustainability of their physical appearance and fluctuations in the market. Downward
mobility from well paid forms of prostitution to street soliciting may occur in the course of the hooker’s life.Upward mobility is also possible for hookers who use
their experience in the different institutions to acquire knowledge about the market
in order to operate more independently.
The institutionalisation of criminality in prostitution compromises the position of hookers in relation to their employers and clients and worsens the existing relation
of patronage. The criminalisation of prostitution renders hookers more vulnerable to
control by employers of their physical mobility,labour and earnings.The use of the wage
system as a redistributive measure and a bargaining tool is therefore minimised.
Discrimination against prostitutes is considered to as one of a more generalized trend of discrimination through sex-stereotyped occupations in the wage labour sector
where women are crowded into a limited range of low paid servicing functions on the basis of their gender. A parallel is drawn between prostitution and other sex stereotyped occupations such as waitresses, fashion models and secretaries. Therefore, hookers
should not be criticised as the only women opting for work which in some
ways panders to male dominance. In a society with sexual disadvantages, the choice
presented to women generally by way of wage labour or domestic work is likely to lead to the same trap.
The English collective of prostitutes stated in a newsletter it is poverty which should outlawed and prostitution.It is argued that it is one form of women’s struggle to get paid for housework-by getting paid for the sexual services all women are expected to give for free.”After all,who are prostitutes but housewives who go out for an evening job.”Against this thesis it has been stated that it is impossible to equate a housewife with a hooker on the basis of poverty and wagelessness because not all hookers are poor and not all poor housewives enter prostitution.
In conclusion,society’s hatred of commercial sex has resulted in laws and law enforcement strategies that prevent neither violence nor exploitation of sex workers.The
legal framework makes all forms of sex work dangerous and proposals for making it safe
are rejected in order not to encourage prostitution.
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