Summer is a special time
The sun is ever present
Long days ,short nights
Not to mention the birdsong
Sweet smell of flowers in the air
Women showing more skin
Hot pants,mini skirts ,bikinis
Visiting the beach,have a swim
Watching people sun bathing
Feeling the cool breeze from the sea
On my face, all over my body
More night life,drinking and lovemaking
Yes more hot sex ,more excitement.
kpakpo has been on a week long summer break from his night job as a newspaper distributor around saint Eriksplan which lies in the centre of stockholm at the end of June.He moved to Stockholm about thirteen years from Accra,Ghana in west Africa as a student He has been yearning for a suitable partner since his divorce from his swedish wife,Lily about eight years back.
Lily was fifty one years old and he was thirty six years when they married after meeting through an internet dating site called .They had been together for about four years and the marriage produced no children but they stayed together with Lucas,her teenage son from a previous relationshhip.
After several short-term relationships Filips has taken an interest in internet dating.A recent article he read was on “trending legal issues with adult dating sites” about the unfair business practice of some operators setting up ghost profiles in order to get around the primary problem facing any new dating site operator which is how obtain enough member profile content to generate a sufficient level of user interaction. This cyclical problem has no easy solution, since the necessary profile content comes from the members. In other words; the more members, the more content; the more content, the more members.
In other words,Filip was concerned in wih the use of “host” or “ghost” profiles when dating site profiles are created and maintained by the website operator, as opposed to a real third-party user. , Such profiles have made him dissatisfied about multiple messages from such fictitious profiles which involved no actual human interaction.
Another issue dsicussed in the article was whether operators must conduct backgound checks on users because there have been cases where individuals have offended fellow dating site users and committed horrific crimes ranging from sexual assault ,fraud or murder.
There was a huge gathering of people and families in Sjödalsparken today with a couple of bands
playing to celebrate midsommer in Huddinge.I took a walk to the park join in the celebration and enjoy
the nice sunshine.
Apart from Christmas, midsummer, midsommar is the most important celebration in Sweden. The successful midsummer never-ending lunch party formula involves flowers in your hair, dancing around a pole, singing songs while drinking unsweetened, flavoured schnapps and downing a whole load of pickled herring, sill served with delightful new potatoes, chives and sour cream.
ADULT CONTENT PRODUCTION INDUSTRY ,“Dr. Chauntelle Tibbels argues that relevant legal proceedings occurring during three eras of U.S. adult content production and distribution show pornography’s evolution from clandestine enterprise to legal, protected free speech. This evolution parallels the development of an
adult content production industry in California. And although two recent
obscenity-related adult content production, sales, and distribution
convictions have occurred, these cases were related to exceptional material
that violated the Cambria List guidelines.The vast majority of
adult content produced since the Miller decision is not obscene; consequently,
in this respect, the adult content production industry is a legal
legitimate space working to meet consumer demands with a legal legitimate
“ It is important to note that instances of anti-pornography rhetoric, organizing, and activism occurring in wider U.S. culture are almost endless, as are instances of
discrimination against persons currently or formerly involved in adult
content production.”
“What is more, one could argue that the specific
cases discussed in this essay are themselves just additional indicators of
cultural discord related to adult content and adult content production.
The question then remains—why? Why, in spite of its legal and protected
status, are adult content and adult content production still stigmatizing
and polarizing dimensions of U.S. culture?”
Relevant case law regarding obscenity engaged in conjunction with historical
sociological considerations of cultural attitudes about adult entertainment
point to legal findings that are out of step with sociocultural evolution.
"Wider U.S. culture continues to struggle with pornography; however,
in terms of obscenity, U.S. law does not. Legal proceedings cleared the
way for adult content production and industry development, not legislation
or voter sentiment."
“Members of the adult entertainment community were only able to establish
legal footholds within the context of greater U.S. culture by fighting
back when attacked, demanding First and Fourth Amendment
“ And, in spite of continued stigma and marginalization, the adult
entertainment industry as a whole acts as a protective sentinel for every
individual’s right to free expression. “
“In terms of adult content producers’ civil rights, however, law has moved much more quickly than culture. Though considerations of continued discrimination against pornography and adult content production are extremely troubling, in a society that
continues to marginalize queer persons and the socio-economically disadvantaged
(among so many others), marginalization is not exactly surprising.”
Evidence law 101:The textVook
Basically, evidence is only admissible if it relevant. Evidence is relevant if it has any tendency to make a material fact more probable or less probable than would be the case without the evidence. This book discusses the several limitations on the admissibility of relevant evidence. Evidence of a person’s character,reputation, habits, and opinions will often be relevant, but the admissibility of this evidence is strictly governed by the Federal Rules of Evidence, which most states’ rules of evidence have copied.
The different kinds of evidence including hearsay and the rules governing their admissibility form the foundations of evidence law which are discussed throughout this book.
For example, “ a photograph of a crime scene displaying a lot of blood or a dead body
will be relevant, as proof of a murder. However, a grisly photograph will also very likely inflame the jury, who will look to hold someone responsible for what they saw. Is the photograph’s probative value substantially outweighed by its unfair prejudice?”
My favourite section is the part on impeachment which is used as a way of attacking an opposing party’s or witness’ credibility is also explained. Credibility is defined as whether a witness is believable, specifically in reference to their honesty, memory, and perception of events.
There are several methods to impeach a witness, including prior inconsistent statements, bias, motive, interest, reputation, and deficient perception.
Legal jargon is simplified and made easy to understand by this author.
Dr. Vook Ph.D; Charles River Editors (2011-04-01). Evidence Law 101: The TextVook (Kindle Locations 154-155). Vook. Kindle Edition.
Writing:the king author way
This book provides concrete steps about how to keep a bank of creative ideas “It’s not easy to create a whole new world and populate it with appealing characters who lead purposeful and compelling lives. It’s harder still to bring them to life with realistic but economical dialogue; to control their destiny on a journey that makes a reader care about how it ends, but this is what every good writer must do. Whether this magic formula is created in a short story of five hundred words or over a novel of seventy thousand, the readers simple, but vital demands must be met. So how do we keep the creative genius inside us all organised?"
Keeping a notebook handy whether you are a writer of the digital age and cannot be parted from your iPad or your laptop, the benefits of keeping a pen and notebook handy are not to be underestimated. A pen and notebook is instantly accessible, and studies have shown that the process of writing things down helps commit the information to memory. Jotting ideas down as they come to you will help you store and file your own memory banks! You may have various notebooks or ways to write, but try having one notebook that is a general ideas book. Think of it as a place for siphoning all your creative thoughts as they occur to you during the day. When you are stuck for ideas, consult your ideas book.
Writing down everything! Dialogue you hear when you are stood in the queue at the post office, advertising slogans you see that amuse you, amusing anecdotes you are told, anything which makes you think, laugh or cry. Write it down and store these ideas for those days when you need a starting point. Make yourself a cup of coffee and settle down to read your little book of ideas because you will find something to get your brain in gear.
Regarding writers's block ,it has some useful tips:.Firstly,warming up before you start writing.
In the same way that we warm up our muscles if we are going to work out at the gym or exercise our vocal chords before we sing in a choir, we must recognise that our brain is a muscle and, in order to warm up our creative mind, we need to start our writing sessions with a little brain stretching. Try taking ten minutes before you start working on your project to write something, simply to get your mind in to gear. Describe the clothes you are wearing with as much detail as you can. Describe the feel of them, the tightness of your shirt under your arms; how the seam of your trousers shines from over ironing; the smell of the fabric conditioner and how it reminds you of autumn.
Set a timer and write for ten minutes without editing or stopping. You will find that when you start your project your mind will be ready for business;
Secondly, skipping a scene. If you are struggling with a particular scene or chapter, then try getting on with another section until you are ready to work on the original one. If you absolutely must work on a scene that is causing you issues, then try changing something to make the start easier. For instance, if your main character is experiencing a difficult divorce and you are writing a scene where she tells her husband that their marriage is over, why not write the scene from the viewpoint of their child who is listening from the stairs. You could write the scene from a past perspective as the wife recounts the conversation to her best friend, explaining how her husband reacted to the news. You may just find that a small change to the writing may be enough to get over your block. Remember that whatever you write now can be edited later so, even if the changes aren’t permanent, if they allow you to surmount your block now then they serve the greater purpose;
Thirdly, taking a break. It’s like insomnia, the longer you stay in bed trying to fall asleep the more anxious or stressed you will become and the chances of sleeping soon diminish. If you suffer from insomnia, then the best piece
of advice is to leave the bedroom and to come back when you are tired. If your writers block is so bad that you are really struggling to get anything down at all then you need to take a break. Go for a walk and try not to think about your work. Find something to do which relaxes you and which has nothing to do with writing.
In addition it may be helpful to change your writing patterns. When you return to your writing, make sure you don’t get in to the same routine. If you have begun to associate the way you work with writers block then by sticking to the same routine will only reinforce the negative behaviours you have begun to adopt. If you can change where and when you write then do so. Perhaps now is a good time to move the office around a bit? A small change in your writing day can achieve some significant and positive changes to your output.
Finally , recharging your creative battery. If you have been working on the same piece of work for a while then you may just need to spend some time replenishing your creative bank of ideas. Let yourself soak up the inspiration and go on a work related field trip to boost your creativity.
It was a pleasure visiting the Huddinge jazz and blues festival(31 May-1June) which is held
annually.Attendance was good and the weather was wonderful.I feel a special connection to this
kind of music because of my African heritage.On the first day the groups performing were
Huddinge Big band and Caroline Wennergren.Of all Caroline´'s songs,Holiday in Harlem,Crying Moon,
Taking out the girls and I got a guy were the ones I liked best.Knock -out Greg and the injectors performed widow walk,the fallen,I miss you baby and You better win with me baby.Clas Yngstrom and the big three played The ugliest girl in the world,Tough mama , Clean cut kid and
its Just you and me baby.On Saturday the groups performing included Weeping willows,Elin Larson group who played Monster,Getting something new and Slowly slipping out of my hands.
The final show by Nils Landgren and Funk unit was great and the audience was on its feet just jamming to the music.They played Get serious,get a job,Track suit and I dont want it.
Huddinge community , south of stockholm,sweden is a product of the railway.Its celebrating its
150 anniversary with exhibitions of businesses and a jazz festival from 31 may-1 june.On the blog there is more information about the history of this community.It is described as a sleeping place because people sleep here and work elsewhere. In 1863 Huddinge had a population of 1500.Today,it has around 101,000 people staying there.
Jazz groups Clas Yngstrom and the Big three ;Caroline Wennegren and Huddinge big band;Knock-out Greg and the injectors seen in performing in a gig on Huddinge park.