My guest author today is Serena Akeroyd who just published her book.
Congratulations Serena on the recent publication of your novella “Fall into Love” on
What is your latest book about?
Serena Akeroyd :Fall Into Love is the story of a sexual journey; it’s also a time of learning for the central character, Simone. After years of celibacy, Simone meets a man who changes all that, but with it, he brings a whole new set of rules into the playing arena. Through that change of rules, Simone learns more about herself, what she’s capable of whilst having a damned good time!
It’s actually my first novella and was released at the beginning of August.
When did you begin writing and why?
Serena Akeroyd :I started writing when I was about 19. I hated English prior to that; it had never been one of my best subjects at school. And then I read a Mills and Boon book; a proper romance novel and I thought, I want to write this. I want to write happy-ever-afters and make women happy. It set out from there and evolved into erotica; as I prefer the more raunchy side of writing, as it seems more realistic to me than chaste kisses.
How difficult has the self-publishing process been for you? Did you design your own cover? If not, how?
Serena Akeroyd :Actually, the whole process has been a lot easier than I imagined. There’s lots to read and to be honest, it’s quite tedious, but worthwhile, all the same. I’ve only uploaded on to Kindle at the moment, but intend to share on Smashwords too. With that, comes a whole new set of complications, but I’ll deal with it, when the time comes.
No, I had the idea for the cover art and what I wanted, a very simple layout with a vintage/art-deco feel to it and S A Hunt, a novelist and illustrator did the rest for me. He’s awesome.
How do you get ideas?
Serena Akeroyd :From everywhere and nowhere. Sometimes, when I’m falling asleep, ideas come to me and that’s where this one came from. A series following three women as they travel along a road they’ve never crossed before. Three very modern women, all close friends and confidantes, who are still entirely autonomous and have their own secrets. And the stories are very much about the heroines and how the heroes affect their lives for good and ill. They’re strong women and I hope that’s reflected in the story. The series is classified, to my mind, in the erotica genre, but the novellas are more than about sex. They’re about a journey and change.
How long do you take to write a story?
Serena Akeroyd :I’m a very fast writer; but Fall Into Love is a short story so it took me about a fortnight. The editing process was a lot longer than the actual writing of it.
What is your next project?
Serena Akeroyd :My next project is called a Crazy Little Thing Called Lust. It’s part two of Simone’s story and starts right where part one left off; dealing with the aftermath and the fallout of the hero, Zane’s, past.
Xrated Blog #XXX #18+
Fall Into Love (Naughty Nookie) [Kindle Edition]www.Amazon-com
Serena Akeroyd (Author), Samuel Hunt (Illustrator)