Kim Spink is a thin, short and
lovable police officer from Bangville
with a
passion for
lovemaking ,cock sucking,kissing with
multiple orgasms. Her life has
been and
unexciting dull until
her she meets Angelina Simmerman
, a sexy, muscular woman by chance at a
local jazz concert
in the community park
Kim Spink takes an instant liking to Angelina Simmerman with her slutty
and sly ways she learnt during her years in Bangville.
However, when a jealous ex tries to trick Kim Spink at the
concert, Angelina Simmerman springs to the rescue. Kim Spink begins to
notice that Angelina Simmerman is actually rather brave at heart.
But the pressures of Angelina Simmerman's job as a pole dancer leave her
blind to Kim Spink's affections and Kim takes up socialising with strangers to try an distract herself..
Finally, when a tourist guide and hostess with a
hot body, Jasmine Blue, threatens
to come between them during the concert Angelina Simmerman has to act fast..
But will they ever find the tender
love that they deserve?.
In order to
defuse a potentially
explosive situation Kim
leaves the company
of her ex and
invites Richard Cocks a
bored security officer on
duty at the
concert for a fling.Angelina who was
feeling so horny
after some shots
of whisky could not
help when invited to join the
couple for a sizzling girl-girl- boy
threesome in an isolated
part of the