"I would like you to leave this house immediatey,"Amarkai Nilson said to Knut.
"Why?" Knut asked.
"Because, Bexley council has increased my council tax after you informed them
that you are paying rent to me.".
"Sorry about that.".
This is the last thing that I expected to happen knut thought to himself.My plan was
to register as a jobseeker at the Bexley Heath job centre and then find permanent work eventually with my job seekers allowance.Unfortunately,I made a mistake on the application form by disclosing that I was paying rent to Amarkai.It was both naive and uncalled for..
Having obtained my law degree from London metropolitan niversity after three years
of study,my original objective was to write the legal practice course which would enable
me to find work with a law firm.get some experience and eventually practice as a solicitor.
While waiting for my results,I tried to find something to do..
After sending several applications I was invited for a job interview and then work trial
but this did not lead anywhere. Eventually, I found work at Medway Royal mail distribution centre through Angard Staffing a job recruitment agency..
Medway is a region and a unitary authority within Kent county.It is located in the southeast of England and comprises of a collection of towns including Strood, Rochester, Chatham, Gillingham, and Rainham.The unitary Authority was formed in 1998 when the City of Rochester-upon-Medway amalgamated with Gillingham borough Council and part of Kent County Council to form a unitary Council, a unitary authority independent of Kent County Council..
Its population is predominantly white .Blacks,Asians and mixed races comprised are relatively few.
Before starting work at Medway Royal mail I worked briefly at
Bureaulogic as a recycling assistant..
It was to say the least a painful experience.Things
went well from the beginning.However,it turned out that I could not count on doing my
shift,even when I reported for work on time.The possibility of working depended on
how many workers my employers needed for that particular shift.On several occasions,I
had to go back home without working becausemy services were not needed..
The most
frustrating aspect of the whole exercise was that it took me nearly two hours to travel
by train and bus to travel from Sidcup in kent to Canning town in the east end of London
where the recycling plant was located..
Working at Bureaulogic was tough and physically demanding.You had to be on your feet
during the entire shift of eight hours and maintain a consistent work momentum because
staff deemed to be too slow could be sent home.A supervisor and close circuit television
were effecient tools for big brother to keep an eye on everybody on the work floor..
"I am going to give you a telephone number to call for homeless people.Just tell them
just tell them you have no place to stay,"Amarkai said.
Knut thought this must be a joke.Did he really mean what he was saying? Or was it just
an empty threat?.
I made a number of enquiries about alternative accommodation but it was really
Difficult to find a solution to this unexpected development.A visit to the the housing
Benefits office was futile.The officer in charge simply referred me to another office.
When I contacted that office,I was told it was not their business to help homeless
people to find accomodation and then referred me to use the telephone to contact
The appropriate office.I did so but there was no answer when I called.The whole
exercise was so frustrating.I decided to let the matter rest for a while..
Sometime later I met up with Robert Russo, a former classmate of mine at a restaurant
In London.
He was in the company of Akwele Chan,his girlfriend.She had kinky,long black hair,full
black lips ,an oval face and was wearing a yellow blouse over a long brown skirt.
He picked me up with his car around elephant and castle tube station in the centre of London
just as it was getting dark . We drove to a nearby Ghanaian restaurant..
After having a round of beers and snacks I Knut raised the subject of his imminent homelessness..
“The problem is that Bexley council has raised his council tax because of me,”he said..
“I am aware of the problem.They have raised his tax by 25 per cent because he failed
To disclose to them that he had a tenant,”Robert said.Shaking his head,”Thats quite
I don’t really know what to do,Knut thought as he cast a lingering look towards
“I would talk to my Okailey ,my sister ,about your problem. May be, you can stay in her
box room temporarily,”Robert said.
This unexpected offer dramatically raised Knut’s feelings.It felt like a flash of lightening
out of the blue.
The conversation moved on to how our other classmates who have been staying in London
Were getting on.” Kwate Robinson went back to Ghana.He has been offered a position
In the new government.He seems to be doing well,” he said.
“Quite a few have also passed away.Do you remember Lester,Jimmy,Taye,Sheik,Ted and Morris?” Knut wondered.
“Oh yes,Its very sad indeed that so many have already passed away.Unfortunately death
has no age,"Robert said
We left the restaurant after having a very good time drinking and catching up on the
latest developments regarding our the experiences of our classmates and our own vision
of the future.
Knut contacted Robert by phone sometime after their meeting when he was on the brink of
Becoming homeless because his notice to quit meant he had to move that very day.
“We can meet up in town and then I can go and drop you at Okailey’s place ,close
to Bromley-by-bow tube station in the East end,”Robert said.
Knut frantically packed his suitcase with his personal belongings and made his way
To the bus station in order to catch a bus to the train station.
Knut was picked up by Robert late in the afternoon around Elephant and Castle tube station and was whisked promptly to Okailey’s place at 50 Bruce Road as previously arranged.
“My sister is not at home but I will let you in with my own key.I hope she should be back
When you get back from picking the rest of your personal belongings.” Robert said.
Knut went back to Sidcup to get his suitcase which contained most of his personal
belongings.He nervously dailed Okailey's number when got to the door to her house.
"Its the friend of Robert who is coming to stay with you," he said.
"Just a minute," she said.
The door opened and Okailey let Knut step inside.She closed the door and pointed to
the guest room which she had made available to knut.The room was nearly full with boxes
and suitcases but there was at least enough room for a bed and suitcase.